My name is Irem Harnak. I am a multifaceted product designer passionate about transforming digital interactions into meaningful human connections.

With over 5 years of specialized experience in designing digital products across web, mobile and AR/VR platforms, I also bring a decade of diverse design experience, spanning from graphic to spatial design, all anchored in a user-centered approach.

I've had the opportunity to contribute to both startups and established enterprises, creating enterprise software and intricate web applications across various sectors including Fintech (BMO- Bank of Montreal), social media (Snap), healthcare and training (Lumeto), gaming (Cream) & entertainment (CFC).

My technical proficiency extends to coding, which offers me a nuanced understanding of development and enriches my design capabilities. I thrive on leading end-to-end design projects and possess a strong skill set in User Research, UX/UI, Visual Design, Design Systems, Accessibility and UX Metrics.

I am innately curious about human behaviour and innovation, which fuels my passion for creating products that are not only loved by users but also drive business success.

Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, I lived and worked in London, UK.

Mediterranean by birth, polyglot by choice, I am passionate about cultures, travel and cinema.

get in touch

Whether you have questions about my services, need assistance on a project or collaborate on ideas, I am here to help! Reach out using my form and I will respond as soon as possible.

Looking forward to chatting with you!